Have Any Questions? iesguitmpahang@gmail.com

Guidelines of Submission

Abstract and Full Paper Submission

Please read the following instructions carefully for smooth submission process.

  •  Abstract and full paper submission should be sent electronically via EasyChair. Please click here.

a) Abstract Submission

  • Participants interested in presenting paper(s) is (are) welcomed to submit an abstract of not more than 200 words via EasyChair for our consideration.
  • Participant is required to prepare an abstract using full paper template provided which can be downloaded here (for MS Word) or can download the abstract template as given below.
  • The abstract should be submitted via Easy Chair. Click Easy Chair Guide to Authors for submission.

b) Full Paper Submission

(i) Full paper submission should be original and have not been published previously or under consideration for publication elsewhere while being evaluated for this conference.

(ii) Please NOTE that your paper(s) as well as the presentation must be in ENGLISH.

(iii) Full paper(s) will be REFEREED and will be considered for publication indexed in WOS/SCOPUS/MyCITE/MyJurnal.

(iv)Full paper(s) should have an overall similarity index less than 20% specifically using Turnitin / Ouriginal

(v) Each paper submitted should be a minimum of FOUR (4) pages or maximum TEN (10) pages only with single spacing.

(vi) The paper must be prepared in accordance with the format specified by the organizer. Click HERE to download the full paper template. 

(vii) Please keep in mind that some journals may be subject to copyright issues, in which case the authors may be required to declare relevant issues regarding the submission. The organizer will keep the authors informed if additional information is required.